About us 

Cottage Grove Nursery and Gift Shop

 has been serving this area for

 29 years

Exit 12 East on County Road B at West Salem

Think Spring

Stop in and check out what's

 growing in our greenhouses 

Now is a great time to start

getting ideas for planning your

spring gardens

New merchandise now arriving

 in the gift shop

Gift Certificates Available

Roses, Perennials, Succulents

 Bird Baths, Concrete Benches

 and a nice selection of Iron

 Yard Art

   Trees, Shrubs, Evergreens

          and Ornamentals       


Bulk bark, compost, and rock

Bagged bark, compost, peat

 moss and potting soil

We specialize in

Ferti-lome products

Jack's Classic Fertilizers

Gift Certificates Available

Residential Landscaping


Remember us for all your Christmas decorating needs 

Exit 12 east on Cty B West Salem

 Visit us on facebook